Friday 23 November 2012

Set and Get Common Constant Value

Set A Value to Common Constant

Create a string array and set the value of the stringarray.
 same as given below

string[] arrRaja = new string[4];
arrRaja [0] = "Parts";
arrRaja [1] = "I";
arrRaja [2] = "P";
arrRaja [3] = "PS";

 string[][] arrRaja =  {
               new[]{ "Parts " },
               new[]{ "r" },              
               new[]{ "s" },               
              new[]{ "f" },          

Then give the below query in common constant

 public string getarrRaja (int iIndex)
            return arrRaja [iIndex];

Get The Common Constant Value To Code Behind

string strRaja=m_objCommonConstant.getarrRaja (0);
string strRaja1=m_objCommonConstant.getarrRaja (1);
string strRaja2=m_objCommonConstant.getarrRaja (2);
string strRaja3=m_objCommonConstant.getarrRaja (3);

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